Mainstreethost Digital Marketing Agency

Mainstreethost is a digital marketing agency based in Buffalo, NY. We began our journey in 1999 with just four dedicated employees and we’ve grown to over 130 employees today by using the same successful methods we employ for our customers. Our mission is quite simple: help your business grow through effective digital marketing. At Mainstreethost, we live and breathe digital marketing, and in an industry that is constantly shifting and changing shape, it’s our business to stay ahead of the changes. Our team operates by learning, educating, innovating, creating, and above all, delivering results. If we can do it for our own business, we can do it for yours, too.

Ross Marranca

When you succeed,
We succeed.

“In a crowded and ever-changing industry, we make it a priority to stay ahead of the game. Led by a phenomenal management staff, we’re always educating ourselves, keeping up with the trends, and adding new services that we believe will assist in our clients’ growth. We also don’t stop where a lot of agencies might. The end goal is customer success and we’re not satisfied until that success is reached: even if it requires extra time and resources on our end. I’m a firm believer that the success of our clients is truly our success; we’d be nowhere without them. My family and I have invested in the life and longevity of this company. We have a backbone 130-strong and that number continues to grow. The accelerated growth we’ve witnessed, even the last few years, has been tremendous, and we’re really excited for what the future holds.”

Ross Marranca Signature

Ross Marranca, President & CEO

The Team

Meet the folks that make it happen

Mainstreethost is home away from home for some of the most innovative and industry-savvy professionals around. We may have different skills and backgrounds, but we all have the same main objective: make the web a better, more beneficial place for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Michael Marranca 20+ Years
Mike Marranca Founder
Ross Marranca 15+ Years
Ross Marranca President & CEO
Joseph Lascola 15+ Years
Joseph Lascola Billing Manager
Mark Amodeo 10+ Years
Mark Amodeo Senior Account Coordinator
Pauly Marranca 20+ Years
Pauly Marranca Vice President of Sales
Jamie Amacher 10+ Years
Jamie Amacher Web Developer
Russ Marranca 20+ Years
Russell Marranca Vice President of Operations
Michael Marranca Jr. 10+ Years
Michael Marranca Jr. Reporting Manager
Kevin Devore 20+ Years
Kevin Devore COO
Allison Marranca 5+ Years
Allison Marranca Director of Finance
Taylor Gibson Account Coordinator
Brain Shipley 10+ Years
Brian Shipley Assistant Content Marketing Manager
Kelley VanSlander 5+ Years
Kelley VanSlander Customer Care Manager
Wesley Miller
Wesley Miller PPC Specialist
Drew Krebuszewski 10+ Years
Drew Krebuszewski Vice President of Human Resources
Alexis Wagner
Alexis Wagner Assistant Social Media Marketing Manager
John Buesink 10+ Years
John Buesink Lead Web Developer & Marketing Engineer
Paul Mergenhagen 5+ Years
Paul Mergenhagen Vice President of Marketing
Becca D'Hilly 5+ Years
Becca D'Hilly Marketing Manager
Dave Perry 15+ Years
Dave Perry Marketing Engineer
Jillian Shoop
Jillian Shoop Web Developer
20+ Years
Bryan Hartmayer Vice President of Business Development
Chell Brittain 20+ Years
Chell Brittain QC Data Processing Specialist
Isaiah Kennedy PPC Specialist
15+ Years
Ryan O’Connor Optimization Specialist
Perry Davis 10+ Years
Perry Davis Account Manager
Karen Morrice
Karen Morrice Promotional Sales Representative
Jeremy Hey Account Manager
Michael Belmonte 10+ Years
Michael Belmonte Account Manager
Charlotte Kane Marketing Engineer
Lacey Drager 15+ Years
Lacey Drager Account Manager
Jacob Drager 15+ Years
Jacob Drager Director of Information Technology
Erick Hansen 10+ Years
Erick Hansen PPC Marketing Manager
Jose Bonilla
Jose Bonilla Promotional Sales Representative
Dana Maynard
Dana Maynard Enterprise Marketing Specialist
Kathleen Malayba
Kathleen Malayba Social Media Marketing Specialist
Ryan Okiec 10+ Years
Ryan Okiec Senior Account Coordinator
Ralph Nero 10+ Years
Ralph Nero Vice President of Sales: Las Vegas
Matthew Zulawski Social Media Marketing Specialist
Shauna McGuay 5+ Years
Shauna McGuay Citations Services Manager
Sarah Taylor
Sarah Taylor Social Media Marketing Specialist
Devon Reed
Devon Reed Account Manager
Justina Boland 10+ Years
Justina Boland Enterprise Marketing Specialist
Adam Overby
Adam Overby Promotional Sales Representative
Bonnie Kwasniewski 10+ Years
Bonnie Kwasniewski Optimization Specialist
Rileigh Mitchell Account Manager
Nate Rosenburg 5+ Years
Nate Rosenburg Optimization Specialist
Luke Jonathan Optimization Specialist
20+ Years
Jenny Lipomi Executive Assistant
Rawey Kased 5+ Years
Rawey Kased Web Developer
20+ Years
Jessica Woerner Assistant Client Services Manager
James Perry 15+ Years
James Perry Account Coordinator
Tracey Swayne
Tracy Swayne Promotional Sales Representative
Kristen Sherwood 10+ Years
Kristen Duncan Content Marketing Manager
Mike Andrews
Mike Andrews Account Manager
Cynthia Cortez
Cynthia Cortez Promotional Sales Representative
10+ Years
Leonard Danilovich Account Coordinator
Shane McNamara Account Coordinator
John Wheeler 10+ Years
John Wheeler Assistant IT Manager
Ryan Gierke 15+ Years
Ryan Gierke Hosting Manager
Sarah Kelly 5+ Years
Sarah Kelly Social Media Marketing Manager
Austin Ford 5+ Years
Austin Ford Account Coordinator
Darlene Walczak 15+ Years
Darlene Walczak Account Manager
Dennis James 15+ Years
Dennis James Optimization Manager
Sarah Cooper 10+ Years
Sarah Cooper Sales Manager
Timothy Siudzinski
Timothy Siudzinski Optimization Specialist
Michael Manhart 15+ Years
Michael Manhart Account Manager
James Munro 10+ Years
James Munro Enterprise Marketing Specialist
Scott Molloy 10+ Years
Scott Molloy Assistant Sales Manager
Tom Seitz 10+ Years
Tom Seitz Enterprise Marketing Specialist
Emily Ramunno
Emily Ramunno Content Marketing Specialist
Andrew Greco 10+ Years
Andrew Greco Web Development Manager
Shawn Farley 10+ Years
Shawn Farley Promotional Sales Manager
Taylor Nigrelli Content Marketing Specialist
Damone Brown Account Manager
Nicole Notaro 10+ Years
Nicole Notaro Optimization Specialist
Cheryl Mullaney 10+ Years
Cheryl Mullaney Account Manager
Chris Elias 10+ Years
Chris Elias Web Developer
Gabe Lamarca 5+ Years
Gabe LaMarca Content Marketing Specialist
Scott Morash
Scott Morash Web Developer
James Zuch 5+ Years
James Zuch Web Developer
Matt Tresch 10+ Years
Matt Tresch Web Support Engineer
Pam Fergone 5+ Years
Pam Fergone Administrative Assistant
Phil Naples 10+ Years
Phil Naples Web Developer
Armiko Stoner 5+ Years
Armiko Stoner Account Manager
Jacob Haskin
Jacob Haskin Citation Services Specialist
Michael Chudy 5+ Years
Michael Chudy Enterprise Marketing Specialist
Steven Harrison
Steven Harrison Web Developer
Amelia Favata
Amelia Favata Optimization Specialist
Jim Kloppenborg 10+ Years
Jim Kloppenborg Account Coordinator
Miles the Robot
Miles the Robot

The Leadership

Meet the folks leading the way

They say that behind every awesome team of digital marketers, SEOs, social media specialists, web designers, programmers, and content creators is a solid management and executive team leading the way. It’s true; and here’s ours.

Michael Marranca 20+ Years
Michael Marranca Founder
Ross Marranca 15+ Years
Ross Marranca President & CEO
Kevin Devore 20+ Years
Kevin Devore COO
Pauly Marranca 20+ Years
Paul Marranca Vice President of Sales
Russ Marranca 20+ Years
Russell Marranca Vice President of Operations
Ralph Nero 10+ Years
Ralph Nero Vice President of Sales: Las Vegas
20+ Years
Bryan Hartmayer Vice President of Business Development
20+ Years
Jenny Lipomi Executive Assistant
Drew Krebuszewski 10+ Years
Drew Krebuszewski Vice President of Human Resources
Allison Marranca 5+ Years
Allison Marranca Director of Finance
Paul Mergenhagen 5+ Years
Paul Mergenhagen Vice President of Marketing
Jacob Drager 15+ Years
Jacob Drager Director of Information Technology
Dennis James 15+ Years
Dennis James Optimization Manager
Becca D'Hilly 5+ Years
Becca D'Hilly Marketing Manager
Andrew Greco 10+ Years
Andrew Greco Web Development Manager
Kristen Sherwood 10+ Years
Kristen Duncan Content Marketing Manager
Erick Hansen 10+ Years
Erick Hansen PPC Marketing Manager
Sarah Cooper 10+ Years
Sarah Cooper Sales Manager
Shawn Farley 10+ Years
Shawn Farley Promotional Sales Manager
Sarah Kelly 5+ Years
Sarah Kelly Social Media Marketing Manager
Ryan Gierke 15+ Years
Ryan Gierke Hosting Manager
Shauna McGuay 5+ Years
Shauna McGuay Citations Services Manager
Kelley VanSlander 5+ Years
Kelley VanSlander Customer Care Manager