A few weeks ago I briefly talked about the process of coming up with ideas for blog posts. I quoted Jon Morrow, who in a post for Copyblogger said this:
“Great ideas aren’t just lying around, waiting for you to use them. You have to search for them… The key is doing the work. The ground may be full of buried treasure, but you have to be willing to grab a shovel and start digging.”
In the past I started a brief list of places to dig around, but I wanted to make a new list, one relevant to people in the online marketing world.
I’m a big proponent of the idea that writers (novelists, non-fiction writers, bloggers) need to read as much as they can. For bloggers, reading the writing of others is one way to get inspiration: it can cause you to ask questions that may serve as the basis for your next post and help you unearth ideas for a post.
We’ve all gotten stuck during the writing process. My hope is this list will give you a bunch of places to get unstuck, whether that’s by helping you discover a new topic, helping you learn more about a topic, or simply inspiring you to let go of whatever is holding you back and write something great.
Got your shovel ready? Here is a list of places to seek inspiration:
Slingshot SEO
Thunder SEO
Social Media:
Inbound Marketing:
Wired’s Gadget Lab
Businessweek’s Technology Section
Bit Rebels (also social media/tech/design)
Consumer Psychology:
Everything Online Marketing:
Chris Brogan
I tried to get down all of the amazing blogs I know of, but let me know which ones I missed. Happy reading (and writing).