Mobile or responsive: What’s the better approach for appealing to your mobile audience? There are certainly arguments in favor of both options, and no definitive right or wrong answer. It ultimately comes down to what your target audience needs in terms of a digital experience and the time and budget you can commit to the project.
Author: Kim Speier
Hashtagging Across Social Networks: What to Know Before You Tweet, Post, or Share
From simple keywords to multi-word phrases, your hashtag options are essentially limitless. But do you know how to use them effectively and what practices to avoid?
The Dos and Don’ts of Email Marketing [Infographic]
You know that email marketing has an important place in your digital marketing strategy (if you’re still unsure, check out another one of our blog posts), but are your campaigns as effective as they could be?
Inbound Marketing 101: Becoming Magnetic to Today’s Consumers
Inbound marketing is transforming the marketing space, so we put together a brief overview (with the help of our partners at HubSpot) to uncover what inbound is all about and how you can incorporate it into your marketing plan.
Take Your Social Networks Beyond Brand Awareness and Generate Qualified Leads
Social networks serve as a great platform for getting your company’s name out there and discussing what you do and how you do it. But what about your bottom line?
Make Content Marketing Work for Your Ecommerce Site
If you are an ecommerce business, it can be hard to figure out how to make content marketing a valuable asset on your website; that’s what we’re here for!
Marketing For-Profit vs. Nonprofit Businesses: What Are the Differences?
For-profit and nonprofit businesses ultimately have the same objective: make money. Whether you’re selling a tangible product or service or you’re trying to attract donors…
6 Iconic Rebrands of the Last Decade
For brands to remain relevant, they may rebrand themselves to create a new persona among consumers or prove that they can keep up with the…
SEO is Changing: What to Do to Keep Up
SEO five years ago, or even one year ago, is quite different from the SEO of today. Google has implemented several changes to its algorithms that affect how searchers get results, and how marketers get your website found.
Instagram: Visual Storytelling For Your Brand
Instagram’s user base has taken off in recent months, with 300 million active users and 70 million photos posted per day. It is one of the fastest-growing social networks today, and for good reason.