Author: Kim Speier

Kim is a former Inbound Marketing Specialist at Mainstreethost. She loves watching sports, especially the Bills and Sabres, skiing during the long Buffalo winters, pop culture, and following the latest trends on Twitter.
Mainstreethost Web Design & Development Mainstreethost Web Design & Development

Is a Mobile Site Worth It?

Mobile or responsive: What’s the better approach for appealing to your mobile audience? There are certainly arguments in favor of both options, and no definitive right or wrong answer. It ultimately comes down to what your target audience needs in terms of a digital experience and the time and budget you can commit to the project.

Mainstreethost Search Engine Optimization Mainstreethost Search Engine Optimization

SEO is Changing: What to Do to Keep Up

SEO five years ago, or even one year ago, is quite different from the SEO of today. Google has implemented several changes to its algorithms that affect how searchers get results, and how marketers get your website found.