Author: Kim Speier

Kim is a former Inbound Marketing Specialist at Mainstreethost. She loves watching sports, especially the Bills and Sabres, skiing during the long Buffalo winters, pop culture, and following the latest trends on Twitter.
Mainstreethost Search Engine Optimization Mainstreethost Search Engine Optimization

SEO: Where to Begin

Whether you’ve begun developing an SEO strategy or you’re not entirely sure what SEO means for your company, there’s definitely a learning curve to understanding how to optimize your content. People talk about the importance of ranking number one, but how do you get there and should that really be the end goal anyways?

Mainstreethost Social Media Marketing Mainstreethost Social Media Marketing

Social Media: One Size Does Not Fit All

Social media is a key part of many company marketing strategies, but is it the right strategy for your business? Consult this infographic to see where your business fits into the social media world to make sure you’re spending your time on the best sites for your marketing profile.

Mainstreethost Content Marketing Mainstreethost Content Marketing

Cut Through the Clutter: Make Your Email Marketing Stand Out This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again when inboxes are flooded with so many special offers, coupons, and “must-haves” that it’s impossible to have time to look at them all. So how do your recipients decide which ones to open and which to send immediately to the trash?

Here are some tips to improve your holiday email marketing strategy and prevent your messages from going straight to the circular file.