Author: Olivia Roat

Olivia Roat is formerly an inbound marketing consultant at Mainstreethost - a Buffalo, NY search marketing firm / web design company.
Mainstreethost Content Marketing Mainstreethost Content Marketing

Writing Killer Marketing Headlines with Some Help from BuzzFeed

If you’ve ever spent time on BuzzFeed, you know the site can best be described as one giant, addictive, and amazing time suck. I follow BuzzFeed on Twitter, and when the site tweets the headline of its newest article, I click through to the article almost every time.

Magazine headline writers are heralded as the best in the field, but BuzzFeed is equally adept at composing compelling headlines.

Mainstreethost Content Marketing Mainstreethost Content Marketing

What Makes (and Breaks) a Blog Post

I used to abhor the idea of page limits as it applied to paper writing in high school and college. While my peers desperately tried to reach the page limit for a given paper, I fruitlessly attempted not to exceed it. Most students slapped a page of first-rate concocted nonsense on the end of their papers. The more intrepid went to such lengths as to enlarge the periods at the end of sentences to 14-point font (legend has it this can add as much as an extra page to a lengthy paper). Meanwhile, I tried to tweak margins before eventually accepting my role as slayer of sentences.