Category: Content Marketing

A collection of our content marketing blog articles from our many years in the digital marketing world.


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Five Reasons Your Business Should Be Blogging

A relatively new concept for businesses, blogging has become more popular in the last eight years or so. Although it’s a foreign concept for many businesses, as a growing trend within the world of marketing, it’s important to understand what a blog is and why businesses should be blogging.

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57 Places to Get Inspiration for a Blog Post

A few weeks ago I briefly talked about the process of coming up with ideas for blog posts. I quoted Jon Morrow, who in a post for Copyblogger said this:

“Great ideas aren’t just lying around, waiting for you to use them. You have to search for them… The key is doing the work. The ground may be full of buried treasure, but you have to be willing to grab a shovel and start digging.”