Marketing Blog

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3 Simple Ways to Increase Employee Productivity

Productivity. It’s a word that plagues every business and organization. We live, breath and make money by getting things done. However, employees aren’t machines, no matter how often you wish they were; employees are living, breathing beings that possess all sorts of knowledge and skills. While it’s easy to say, let’s find each employee’s strengths and cater to those, being productive is about more than possessing skills; its being able to take the skill and put it to use, effectively.

Mainstreethost Content Marketing Mainstreethost Content Marketing

Five Reasons Your Business Should Be Blogging

A relatively new concept for businesses, blogging has become more popular in the last eight years or so. Although it’s a foreign concept for many businesses, as a growing trend within the world of marketing, it’s important to understand what a blog is and why businesses should be blogging.