Tag: Google

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Google AdWords: An Overview of Reporting Tools

Once you’ve mastered the basics of AdWords, it’s important to explore the plethora of additional resources that Google offers. Their vast number of reports and custom settings allow you to really evaluate your advertising strategy to see what is working well for you and what isn’t working as well.

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Getting Started with Google AdWords: The Basics

There’s a lot that goes into developing a successful AdWords campaign, between selecting the right keywords, ad types, images, and budget strategy, that it might seem overwhelming at first. But have no fear! Here’s everything you need to know to effectively set up your first AdWords campaign.

Mainstreethost Search Engine Optimization Mainstreethost Search Engine Optimization

SEO is Changing: What to Do to Keep Up

SEO five years ago, or even one year ago, is quite different from the SEO of today. Google has implemented several changes to its algorithms that affect how searchers get results, and how marketers get your website found.

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Social Media: One Size Does Not Fit All

Social media is a key part of many company marketing strategies, but is it the right strategy for your business? Consult this infographic to see where your business fits into the social media world to make sure you’re spending your time on the best sites for your marketing profile.