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Strategic Ecommerce SEO

You’re online shopping, looking for the perfect widget. You turn to your favorite search engine, because where else would you shop? You type “widgets” into the search box and are instantly met with a results page loaded with widgets available to purchase.

Ecommerce SEO is the process of optimizing your website and its products to naturally gain traction and visibility in the search engine results pages (SERPs). And the goal is all about getting your own version of widgets in front of shoppers as they are actively searching for what you have to offer.

Whether you’re new to selling online, struggling to gain sales, or are looking to elevate the performance of your online store, eCommerce SEO can help.

Results-Driven Strategies

Organic Google searches account for 43% of all eCommerce traffic… 43%!

That’s almost half of online shoppers trusting just one search engine to produce results that meet their purchasing needs. And being found when they do so is where our team comes in.

With over 25 years in the search engine optimization world, we’ve developed successful SEO strategies for thousands of clients. Our vast experience has allowed us to create a strong approach to eCommerce SEO, using the latest trends and industry best practices to deliver proven results for your business.

Ecommerce SEO Services

Through years of experience, our approach to SEO has evolved and our process refined. But success doesn’t just come from the process; it comes from the team implementing it. At Mainstreethost, we have a dedicated optimization team, offering diverse skills and insight, all working towards one goal: making SEO work for your business. And since every eCommerce business is unique, we take the time to learn about you, your business model, your target audience and goals in order to build a customized strategy tailored for your needs.

Miles the Robot Looking at Website

Website Audit

It starts here

Successful eCommerce SEO starts here. This initial step of our eCommerce SEO strategy is all about getting to know your brand, your target audience and your goals. Our experienced team works with you to bring clarity and definition to your optimization objectives.

Then by auditing your website, our SEO team can identify your website’s strengths and weaknesses, which allows our team to prepare a customized plan, building on your site’s positive elements.

  • Defining goals
  • Comprehensive site audit
  • Understanding your brand
Magnifying Glass

Keyword Research

Searcher and search term alignment

A critical function of an eCommerce SEO plan. Get this right and your SEO is headed in the right direction, get this wrong and your optimization foundation will be off-base, making it hard to gain traction in search results.

An early stage in our eCommerce SEO plans feature a detailed look at search behavior, popular phrases and the competition associated with relevant keywords. Our team will explore and prescribe an appropriate keyword strategy focused on primary and secondary terms that your customers are actively searching and that are viable for your eCommerce store’s success.

  • Detailed keyword research
  • Critical for effective SEO plans
  • Identifying the right keywords for your store
Website Architecture

Site Structure

Helping people and bots find their way

For proper crawlability, your website needs to be readable by Google’s bots as well as easily navigated by (human) users. Website structure plays a role in helping search engines understand your site, what you’re selling and which elements of your site are most important. Beyond that, a solid structure adds to user experience (UX) and helps people easily navigate your site.

Through the evaluation of content, organization of information and implementation of an efficient link structure, our team can develop an appropriate site structure to improve your website’s overall performance.

  • Sitemaps
  • Internal linking
  • Usability
Mile the Robot Pointing at Charts

Enhanced Ecommerce Analytics

Deep analytics insights

Ecommerce analytics allows you to explore how consumers are interacting with your website on a whole new level. The enhanced features of this advanced analytics installation provides insights into product performance, add-to-cart behavior, the checkout process, abandon cart rates and plenty more.

With our team’s implementation and configuration of enhanced ecommerce analytics on your website, you’ll gain valuable insights into how people engage with the eCommerce elements of your store.

  • Shopping behavior metrics
  • Checkout process intelligence
  • Product performance tracking
Miles the Robot with Labels

Schema Markup

Helping search engines understand information

Schema markup is a coding language that translates important information on your site for search engines in a way that they can actually understand.

Once our team implements the code (JSON-LD) on your site, crawlers will be able to better decipher the exact purpose of your webpages and accurately identify that you have a product for sale, not just a blog post on the topic. Your business will also earn enhanced search results with rich snippets, offering images, pricing options, star ratings and other details to showcase your product that would normally go unseen in the SERPs.

  • Improve click-through-rate (CTR)
  • More informative results for buyers
  • Amplify the data displayed in search results
Pencil and Book

Content Marketing

Boost visibility and credibility

Let’s face it: your SEO is only as good as the content supporting it. And for eCommerce businesses, engaging your customers with compelling and relevant information on your website is key in making the sale.

Combining relevant key phrases with industry best practices, our team will develop high-quality content, unique to your online shop. Help your business be heard—strengthen your SEO and increase your visibility in the SERPs with our content marketing services.

  • Add value to product pages
  • Distinguish your brand from competitors
  • Entice your customers with valuable copy
Shopping Basket

Ecommerce SEO Platforms

We understand that in the era of online shopping, there are countless eCommerce platforms that could be powering your digital storefront. We also understand the nuances of each, working closely with all major platforms in the market.

Our team is well-versed in their specific capabilities and the software that’s working behind the scenes, allowing us to seamlessly implement our marketing strategies in a way that’s tailored for the eCommerce platform you’re working in.

  • Shopify
  • Magento
  • Volusion
  • Woocommerce
  • Bigcommerce
  • Squarespace
  • Wix
  • PrestaShop
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Ecommerce Marketing Services

The online retail industry continues to grow, and your eCommerce business must work hard to keep up. With a developed marketing strategy, you can expand your reach far beyond your competitors and start to build an online shopping experience tailored for your ideal customer.

Our eCommerce marketing services focus on enhancing your visibility in the SERPs and connecting with your target audience at every stage in the buying cycle.

If that sounds like something your online store could benefit from, discover more about our strategic eCommerce SEO services.

SEO Services

These more advanced optimization efforts work to boost site performance and user experience.

  • Speed optimization
  • Penalty recovery
  • Website migration
Technical SEO


Promote content to expand your reach and create vital channels of visibility to your website.

  • Gain exposure for your content
  • Improve your online presence
  • Connect with a larger audience
Content Promotion

Social Media

Maximize exposure and showcase your products with strategic social media posts and ads.

  • Share your story
  • Engage your audience
  • Create brand awareness
Social Media

Shopping Ads

Shopping Ads make it easy for you to showcase their products right in the search results page.

  • Drive targeted traffic
  • Boost product impressions
  • Reach ready-to-buy customers
Shopping Ads

Web Design

With the ability to shop on their own terms, users are turning to eCommerce to fill their needs.

  • Responsive web design
  • Showcase your products
  • Mobile shopping abilities
Ecommerce Web Design


Engage your audience and strengthen your product pages with intelligently written copy that sells.

  • Professional copywriting
  • Target key phrases
  • Unique product copy
Copywriting Services

Ready to Check Out?

From perusing the Internet on their lunch break at the office, to online shopping at midnight from the comfort of their own home, consumers are everywhere—researching, comparing prices, and purchasing products, all on their own terms.

So if you think about it…that means your online shop should never miss an opportunity to make a sale. (The keyword there is should.)

Without proper optimization, your business may actually be missing out on well-deserved traffic and conversions just because searchers can’t find you in the SERPs. By implementing an effective SEO strategy, we can boost your visibility and help your shop be found at the exact moment users are searching for what you have to offer.

Grow your audience and maximize online sales with eCommerce SEO.

Mainstreethost Rocket

You have a vision.
We have a team to get you there.

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